Month: January 2018

Social-media free, almost 2 weeks.

So… for almost 2 weeks, I have been social-media free.

It has been… difficult, at times, as my finger seems to find the Facebook icon on my phone, very easily, and I have to stop myself. The few times I have managed to press that icon I have immediately shut it down and put my phone, far away from me. The good news is that, on the computer, it is much easier as I have to type it in the browser and I just do not do that, easy.

The time away from Facebook has been, wonderful but at the same time challenging.

I have this feeling of missing out, not knowing what is going on, but at the same time I feel under less pressure… and free from, a form for disturbance and nuisance, that I was not even aware, was affecting me.

It turns out that I have much more time on my hands but I also feel like I have to figure out, how to use that time, again…

This has been hard and still is but I feel that this is getting easier and I feel that I am getting my life and my time back, now I just need to figure out how to use it.

I have made this blog my place, my home. The best part, I can share these posts on social-media platforms without going on there.

Interesting… and SO true…

Facebook… or what is left of it…

After I came back from visiting fiends and family in Iceland, I realized how much I have missed everyone and wanted to see more of what people were up to, via Facebook. The disappointment and realization, that Facebook was actually not providing me with what I wanted and what I was used to, back in the beginning of Facebook, left me to reconsider the part Facebook has in my life.

And the thing is… Facebook is not working for me, not anymore.

I used to like it, as I was able to log in and see chronologically what people were personally posting and I could keep up with the people I know, without having expensive phone bill. I could go on Facebook and scroll until I reached the posts I had already seen and then I was done.

It was all good… but, no more…

Now it is filled with advertising… showing me stuff, someone I know, liked or commented on… the share, tag and like, to win, posts… and to find chronologically what people are actually posting, is not that easy anymore…

So the decision is made, I will not be using Facebook much anymore, I will be using the chat feature, as it is, still, an easy way to keep in touch with everyone, as most people I know use Facebook. I will no longer scroll the feed on Facebook. Of course there are situations that I can not avoid Facebook, for example to see what the football club, my son goes to, is posting.

But… I, also, want to have the personal interaction back in my life, as much as one can, so I intend to be better at actually calling or writing, all the wonderful people, I have in my life… (baby steps… I will get there…)


and writing on this blog, instead of Facebook, when the need to share overtakes me…

The odds are I might share on Facebook my blog posts… but not be active on Facebook much more than that.

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